We've gotten a few corrections and adjustments that we'd like to fix. While some things are going to have to wait until we get a dedicated volunteer to be our "graphics guy", there are a few simple things that I can fix, even with the limited batch of graphics we are using.
First Jim Vilk alerted us to the Marlins orange uni combo having been worn with a black hat and not an orange one as we have.
Sam D. (Hate to be 'THAT GUY' in the Uni Watch comments) posted:
Sorry to be THAT GUY, but a lot of the designs on DUD are wrong. The Nats have not once worn their blue hats at home, the Astros have never worn their red hats with red jerseys, and the Marlins have yet to wear their orange hats.Now I don't know about "a lot of the designs" being wrong, but again we are looking for specifics that I can change not broad generalizations. I will check the Nats home games & the Astros red hat/with red jersey thing, though. But any specific dates, bring 'em on.
Zack Weinreich let us know about the Indians hat, telling us that when they wear the blue alts on the road, they wear a blue Chief Wahoo hat, not the blue with red bill one. Thanks Zack, we'll look into that as well.
Finally, Dan Matthews let us know that the Orioles wear a alternate "O's" hat with the black jerseys... I will look into that as well.
Honestly, I pretty much look at jersey/pants combo, I don't really pay much attention to the hats. (GASP! That's probably blasphemy in the Uni Watch world! ) But I think David probably has the hat combinations right in the daily postings.
Frankly I'm more interested in errors like having the wrong combo (i.e. I have they wore the grey jersey listed for a day where they wore the alt) not that I have some nit-picky little thing with a combo incorrect; that'll get fixed.
Thanks for all the input and if you spot anymore discrepancies, let us know!
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