Sunday, October 28, 2012

Diamond Uniform Database for Oct. 27-28 [playoffs] [end]

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Road (jersey, cap)                   Home (jersey, cap)                                   Helmet (if different)

SF (gray, black)                          Det (white, blue- white D)                     World Series Game 3


NOTE: since I didn’t not this before, both teams have World Series patches on their right sleeves, and  also on the right side of their caps…


Sunday, October 28, 2012

Road (jersey, cap)                   Home (jersey, cap)                                   Helmet (if different)

SF (gray, black)                          Det (white, blue- white D)                     World Series Game 4


NOTE: The Giants go with the black cap on the Sunday night for the first time all year. They normally wear black/orange.




Any comments, corrections?

Friday, October 26, 2012

Diamond Uniform Database for Oct. 21-25 [playoffs]

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Road (jersey, cap)                   Home (jersey, cap)                                   Helmet (if different)

StL (gray, blue)                          SF (white, black/orange)                        NLCS Game 6; SF- black


Monday, October 22, 20212

Road (jersey, cap)                   Home (jersey, cap)                                   Helmet (if different)

StL (gray, blue)                          SF (white, black)                                         NLCS Game 7


Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Road (jersey, cap)                   Home (jersey, cap)                                   Helmet (if different)

Det (gray, blue-orange D)    SF (white, black)                                         World Series Game 1


Thursday, October 25, 2012

Road (jersey, cap)                   Home (jersey, cap)                                   Helmet (if different)

Det (gray, blue-orange D)    SF (white, black)                                         World Series Game 2


Any comments, corrections?

Friday, October 19, 2012

Diamond Uniform Database for Oct. 16-19 [playoffs]

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Road (jersey, cap)                   Home (jersey, cap)                                   Helmet (if different)

NYY (gray, blue)                        Det (white, blue-white D)                      ALCS Game 3


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Road (jersey, cap)                   Home (jersey, cap)                                   Helmet (if different)

SF (gray, black)                          StL (white, red)                                           NLCS Game 3

Postponed: NYY-Det


Thursday, October 18, 2012

Road (jersey, cap)                   Home (jersey, cap)                                   Helmet (if different)

NYY (gray, blue)                        Det (white, blue-white D)                      ALCS Game 4

SF (gray, black)                          StL (white, red)                                           NLCS Game 4


Friday, October 19, 2012

Road (jersey, cap)                   Home (jersey, cap)                                   Helmet (if different)

SF (gray, black)                          StL (white, red)                                           NLCS Game 5


Any comments, corrections?

Monday, October 15, 2012

Diamond Uniform Database for October 15 [playoffs]

Monday, October 15, 2012

Road (jersey, cap)                   Home (jersey, cap)                                   Helmet (if different)

StL (gray, blue)                          SF (white, black)                                         NLCS Game 2


Any comments, corrections?

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Diamond Uniform Database for Oct. 12-14 [playoffs]

Friday, October 12, 2012

Road (jersey, cap)                   Home (jersey, cap)                                   Helmet (if different)

Bal (black, black/orange O’s)     NYY (pinstripe, blue)                                ALDS Game 5; Bal- black/orange bird

StL (gray, blue)                          Wsh (white, red)                                        NLDS Game 5


Saturday, October 13, 2012

Road (jersey, cap)                   Home (jersey, cap)                                   Helmet (if different)

Det (gray, blue-orange D)    NYY (pinstripe, blue)                                ALCS Game 1


Sunday, October 14, 2012

Road (jersey, cap)                   Home (jersey, cap)                                   Helmet (if different)

Det (gray, blue-orange D)    NYY (pinstripe, blue)                                ALCS Game 2

StL (gray, blue)                          SF (white, black/orange)                        NLCS Game 1; SF- black


Any comments, corrections?

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Diamond Uniform Database for October 11 [playoffs]

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Road (jersey, cap)                   Home (jersey, cap)                                   Helmet (if different)

SF (gray, black)                          Cin (red, red)                                               NLDS Game 5

StL (gray, blue)                          Wsh (white, red)                                        NLDS Game 4

Bal (gray, black/orange bird)     NYY (pinstripe, blue)                                ALDS Game 4

Det (gray, blue-orange D)    Oak (white, green/gold)                         ALDS Game 5


Any comments, corrections?

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Diamond Uniform Database for October 10 [playoffs]

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Road (jersey, cap)                   Home (jersey, cap)                                   Helmet (if different)

StL (gray, blue)                          Wsh (white, red)                                        NLDS Game 3

SF (gray, black)                          Cin (red, red)                                               NLDS Game 4

Bal (gray, black/orange bird)     NYY (pinstripe, blue)                                ALDS Game 3

Det (gray, blue-orange D)    Oak (white, green/gold)                         ALDS Game 4


Any comments, corrections?

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Diamod Uniform Database for October 9 [playoffs]

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Road (jersey, cap)                   Home (jersey, cap)                                   Helmet (if different)

SF (gray, black)                          Cin (white, red)

Det (gray, blue-orange D)    Oak (white, green/gold)


Any comments, corrections?

Monday, October 8, 2012

Diamond Uniform Database for October 8 [playoffs]

Monday, October 8, 2012

Road (jersey, cap)                   Home (jersey, cap)                                   Helmet (if different)

Wsh (red, blue/red)               StL (white, red)                                           NLDS Game 2

NYY (gray, blue)                        Bal (white, tri-color)                                  ALDS Game 2



Any comments, corrections?


Sunday, October 7, 2012

Diamond Uniform Database for October 7 [playoffs]

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Road (jersey, cap)                   Home (jersey, cap)                                   Helmet (if different)

Oak (gray, green)                     Det (white, blue-white D)                      ALDS Game 2; Oak- green/gold

Wsh (red, blue/red)               StL (white, blue/red)                                NLDS Game 1; StL- red

NYY (gray, blue)                        Bal (white, tri-color)                                  ALDS Game 1

Cin (gray, red/black)               SF (white, black/orange)                        NLDS Game 2; Cin- red; SF- black


Any comments, corrections?

Diamond Uniform Database for October 6 [playoffs]

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Road (jersey, cap)                   Home (jersey, cap)                                   Helmet (if different)

Oak (green, green)                 Det (white, blue-white D)                      ALDS Game 1; Oak- green/gold

Cin (gray, red/black)                           SF (white, black)                                         NLDS Game 1;  Cin- red


NOTES: All teams are wearing 2012 Postseason patches on the side of their caps…Oakland is wearing a “GJN” patch in honor of P Pat Neshek’s son, who died earlier in the week shortly after being born for yet-to-be determined reasons….


Any comments, corrections?

Friday, October 5, 2012

Diamond Uniform Database update for October 5 [playoffs]

Friday, October 5, 2012

Road (jersey, cap)                   Home (jersey, cap)                                   Helmet (if different)

StL (gray, blue)                          Atl (white, blue/red)                                NL Wild Card

Bal (black, black/orange O’s)     Tex (white, red)                                         AL Wild Card; Bal- black/orange bird


Any comments, corrections?


Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Diamond Uniform Database update for October 3 [end of regular season]

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

End of regular season

Road (jersey, cap)                   Home (jersey, cap)                                   Helmet (if different)

Atl (gray, blue)                          Pit (black, black-white  outline)            Pit- black-no outline

Phi (gray, red)                           Wsh (white, red)

Hou (gray, red)                         CHC (pinstripe, blue)                                Hou- black

NYM (gray, blue)                      Mia (orange, black)

SF (gray, black)                          LAD (white, blue)

Col (purple, black/purple)    Ari (red, red)                                                Col- black

SD (gray, blue)                          Mil (white, blue)

Cin (gray, red/black)               StL (white, red)                                           Cin- red

Tex (gray, blue)                        Oak (gold, green/gold)

LAA (gray, red)                          Sea (white, blue)

Bos (gray, blue)                        NYY (pinstripe, blue)

CWS (gray, black)                     Cle (white, blue/red Wahoo)

Bal (gray, black/orange bird)     TB (white, blue)

Min (blue Min., blue M)        Tor (white, blue)                                        Min- blue TC

Det (gray, blue-orange D)    KC (white, blue)

Note: I will probably post re-caps month by month with corrections that have been made along the way in the upcoming weeks. Thanks for reading and corresponding thus far. Onto the post-season.

Any comments, corrections?


Padres Sunday patch

I had a question as to what this patch was:

Thanks to reader Matt borracho, he guessed it had something to do with the Padres Foundaiton.

Josh Ishoo of the Padres confirmed:

That logo is for the Padres Foundation, because of our “Shirts off Their Backs” event on the last home game of the season.
For more information on the event, check out this page:


Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Diamond Uniform Database update for October 2

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Road (jersey, cap)                   Home (jersey, cap)                                   Helmet (if different)

Atl (gray, blue)                          Pit (white, black-no outline)

Phi (gray, red)                           Wsh (white, red)

NYM (gray, blue)                      Mia (white, black)

Hou (red Houston, black)     CHC (pinstripe, blue)

SD (blue, blue)                          Mil (white, blue)

Cin (gray, red/black)               StL (white, red)                                           Cin- red

Col (gray, black/purple)         Ari (white, red)                                           Col- black

SF (gray, black)                          LAD (white, blue)

Bos (gray, blue)                        NYY (pinstripe, blue)

CWS (gray, black)                     Cle (blue, blue/red Wahoo)

Min (blue Min., blue M)        Tor (white, blue)                                        Min- blue TC

Bal (gray, black/orange bird)     TB (white, blue)

Det (gray, blue-orange D)    KC (white, blue)

LAA (red, red)                           Sea (white, blue)

Tex (white, blue)                     Oak (gold, green/gold)


Any comments, corrections?

Monday, October 1, 2012

Diamond Uniform Database update for October 1

Monday, October 1, 2012

Road (jersey, cap)                   Home (jersey, cap)                                   Helmet (if different)

Atl (blue, blue)                          Pit (white, black-no outline)

Phi (gray, red)                           Wsh (white, red)

NYM (gray, blue)                      Mia (white, black)

Hou (gray, red)                         CHC (pinstripe, blue)                                Hou- black

SD (gray, blue)                          Mil (blue Brewers, blue)

Cin (gray, red/black)               StL (white, red)                                           Cin- red

Col (purple, black/purple)    Ari (white, red)                                           Col- black

SF (gray, black)                          LAD (white, blue)

Bos (gray, blue)                        NYY (pinstripe, blue)

Bal (gray, black/orange bird)     TB (white, blue)

CWS (gray, black)                     Cle (white, blue/red Wahoo)

Min (blue Min., blue/red TC)     Tor (white, blue)                                        Min- blue TC

Det (gray, blue-orange D)    KC (white, blue)

LAA (red, red)                           Sea (teal, blue/teal)                                  Sea- blue

Tex (blue, blue)                        Oak (green, green/gold)


Any comments, corrections?

Diamond Uniform Database update for September 30

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Road (jersey, cap)                   Home (jersey, cap)                                   Helmet (if different)

LAA (gray, red)                          Tex (red, red)                                              Game 1 (make-up 9/29/12)

LAA (gray, red)                          Tex (white, red)                                         Game 2

KC (blue, blue)                          Cle (alt. white, red)                                   Cle- blue/red Whaoo

NYY (gray, blue)                        Tor (blue, blue)

Bos (gray, blue)                        Bal (white, tri-color)

Det (gray, blue-orange D)    Min (pinstripe Twins, blue TC)

TB (blue, blue)                           CWS (alt. red pinstripe, alt. red)

Sea (gray, blue)                        Oak (green, green/gold)

Phi (gray, red)                           Mia (orange, black)

Cin (gray, red/black)               Pit (black, black-no outline)                   Cin- red

NYM (gray, blue)                      Atl (alt. white, blue/red)

Hou (red Houston, black)     Mil (white, blue)

Wsh (red, blue/red)               StL (white, blue/red)                                StL- red

SF (alt. gray, black/orange)  SD (camo, green)                                       SF-black

CHC (gray, blue)                       Ari (red, red)

Col (purple, black/purple)    LAD (white, blue)                                       Col- black


NOTES: Padres wear a special patch on left front. Still can’t make out what it is? Any help?


Any comments, corrections?

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Diamond Uniform Database update for September 29

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Road (jersey, cap)                   Home (jersey, cap)                                   Helmet (if different)

NYY (gray, blue)                        Tor (blue, blue)

Det (gray, blue-orange D)    Min (pinstripe Twins, blue M)              Min- blue TC

Sea (blue, blue)                        Oak (white, green/gold)

TB (blue, blue)                          CWS (pinstripe, black)

Bos (blue, blue)                        Bal (orange, tri-color)

KC (gray, blue)                          Cle (alt. white, red)                                   Cle- blue Whaoo

Cin (gray, red/black)               Pit (white, black-no outline)                  Cin- red

Hou (red Houston, black)     Mil (blue Brewers, blue)

NYM (gray, blue)                      Atl (alt. white, blue/red)

Phi (gray, red)                           Mia (white, black)

Wsh (red, blue/red)               StL (white, red)

CHC (blue, blue)                       Ari (black, black)

SF (gray, black)                          SD (blue, blue)

Col (purple, black/purple)    LAD (white, blue)                                       Col- black

Postponed: LAA-Tex


Any comments, corrections?

Friday, September 28, 2012

Diamond Uniform Database update for September 28

Friday, September 27, 2012

Road (jersey, cap)                   Home (jersey, cap)                                   Helmet (if different)

Bos (gray, blue)                        Bal (black, black O’s)                                 Bal- tri-color

KC (gray, blue)                          Cle (white, blue/red Wahoo)

NYY (gray, blue)                        Tor (white, blue)

LAA (gray, red)                          Tex (white, red)

Det (gray, blue-orange D)    Min (pinstripe Twins, blue M)              Min- blue TC

TB (gray, blue)                           CWS (pinstripe, black)

Sea (gray, blue)                        Oak (white, green/gold)

Cin (gray, red/black)               Pit (black, black-no outline)                   Cin- red; Homer Bailey no hitter

Phi (gray, red)                           Mia (black, black)

NYM (gray, blue)                      Atl (red, alt. blue/red)                             Atl- regular blue/red

Hou (red Houston, black)     Mil (alt. pinstripe throwback, alt. blue throwback)

Wsh (gray, blue/red)              StL (white, red)

CHC (gray, blue)                       Ari (white, red)

SF (gray, black)                          SD (white, blue)

Col (gray, black/purple)         LAD (white, blue)                                       Col- black



NOTE: Boston wears non-blue or red on a Friday for the first time since their first two April Fridays (April 6- opening day; April 13- turn back the clock vs. Yankees)… I know I asked this many months ago, but it still appears Colorado has those two-toned air flow helmets, that have a purple panel in the front (but not the bill)….


Any comments, corrections?